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Purposes of Practicum

The purposes of the practicum for the students are:

1. enables the student to apply all the learning and theories in teaching and pedagogy,

2. develops the communication and social skills,

3. learn and understand one's culture

4. gain broader knowledge about teaching

Procedure of Practicum

Since I have 4 weeks staying in school, I followed the pattern of activities.

For my first week, it is my observation week. My cooperating teacher allows me to observe her class, assists her if she needs a help as well as to the students. 

For my second week, preparation for my actual teaching. I find it challenging in this week because it is my first time to prepare a lesson plan that will be taught to the students who have different culture than mine. But with the God's grace, I enable to give my lesson plan to my cooperating teacher ahead of time for checking and improving.

For my third week, it is the time for teaching. In my first teaching, I was so nervous in starting my class, but I enable to set the fire when I saw the reactions and responds of my students. I can see it through their eyes and I was so happy that time because they really enjoy my teaching.

For my last week, reflection. It so hard for me to bid goodbye to my students because they wanted me to stay in school and be their teacher in Math. I was emotional in this week because of what my students told me. I almost cried in front of my students, but in the end, I manage to say goodbye to them.


Outcomes of Practicum

This practicum contributed a lot to me as a teacher and also as a person. In all my experiences gained during my entire stay, this practicum boost my confidence, let me adopt and gain new culture, help me in choosing appropriate techniques suited for the students, help me know my weaknesses and improve my personality as a teacher. This practicum helped me in knowing myself. 

Challenges of Practicum

Life is such a boring if you didn't encounter challenges. In terms of teaching, my problem is some students can't understand and speak English language. As a teacher, you need to be flexible in order to surpass that kind of challenge. So, I decided to ask one of my student to translate what I am saying. In presenting the works of my students, I let them present their works in two language so that other students can understand. In terms of living, my problem is how to communicate with the vendors when we buy foods and things that we need. In order to overcome this language barrier, I learn how to count and asking if how much is my bill. I also bring my phone and use google translator if necessary.


Overall Impression

SEA Teacher Program is such a great opportunity for those students like me who wanted to experience such an amazing practice teaching life. For me, the whole program was excellent. It helps the future teachers like me to engaged in different teaching environment. It helped future teachers to become a globally competitive in terms of teaching.

Suggestions for Future Improvement

The things that I can suggest for the future improvement of this program, it would be to require fixed schedule of  daily activities of the SEA teacher participant during the entire duration of the program, like having a welcome and closing ceremony in the receiving university, and having a cross cultural understanding. Also, the date in the invitation letter by the receiving university in all participants should be the same so that it will not be difficult for them to set a schedule for closing ceremony. 

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